Import history
You can easily view a summary of your team's file import activity for the last 14 days. This summary can be accessed from the inventory page or the products list within an order. Click on the below import history icon to view the history:
The below image shows an example of a team's import history. For each file imported you can see the following information:
File name
File type - Master SKU file or Stock file
Link to a report for each Stock file import
The date and time of the import
The team member who imported each file
Stock file report
If the file imported was a stock file, you can click on View report for more information. Refer to the below example that shows the following information for a new stock file:
How many stock items were added
What locations were updated
Any location codes and/or SKUs from the file that were not imported because they have not been set up in PrimeX
How to add new locations or SKUs to PrimeX
To add a new location to your organisation profile, please send the location code and location name to
To add new SKU(s) to your organisation profile, you can import the required SKU specifications via Master SKU Import at any time