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Customer management

Managing your customer settings has never been easier

Dominica Meyer avatar
Written by Dominica Meyer
Updated over a week ago

As a seller, you can access the customer management section of Nui Connect via the Settings menu in the bottom left corner of your screen. This article will explain how you can manage the below for each customer:

Where to find customers

  • Access customer management via the settings menu.

  • The homepage for customer management displays a list of all current customers and their status with the ability to find specific customers via search.

  • Search for customers via, company name, contact name or company ID.

  • Click on any customer name to view or edit the customer's settings.

  • From this screen you can disable a customer to remove them from Nui Connect altogether.

1. Add a new customer

  • From the Customer homepage select "+ Add customer" to create a new customer

  • Add in the information you have for the customer and "Save" the customer

  • You can then follow the below steps to complete the setup of settings, permissions, addresses and contacts for your new customer.

2. Edit customer settings and permissions

  • From the Summary you can manage the customer's profile, default settings and permissions.

  • Selling defaults are applied to every order automatically but can be edited in each order by your sales rep.

  • Permissions can vary between customers so we enable you to tailor this individually for a higher degree of control. For more detailed information on these individual settings please reach out to one of our support team.

3. Manage customer's addresses

  • You can manage your customer's address details via the Addresses tab. Here you can add, edit and disable addresses and don't forget set a default delivery address to make ordering even easier.

  • Note: If you have a live customer data integration with Nui Connect you may not be able to perform some edits. In this case, please make address changes in your system and then select "Sync address data"

4. Manage customer's contacts

  • The Contacts section enables you to view, add and edit individual contacts for each customer. When you add a new contact, Nui will not send them a welcome email automatically, unless you request this by clicking the 'Send credentials via email' button.

  • If your contact cannot login you can send them new login credentials by clicking the 'Send credentials via email' button. Nui Connect will always reset a contact's password when this email is requested.

  • If you no longer want a contact to have access to Nui Connect, simply disable that contact.

5. Manage customer's consignees

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