If you are a seller on Nui Connect, please refer to the overview of the order form here.
Creating orders has never been easier so let us show you how to get the most out of our smart order form. It's smart because it remembers everything about your last order and pre-populates the order form to save you time. It also automatically saves edits as you go.
Where to find the order form
To get started and create an order simply click on the View Products button at the top right of your screen.
Once the order form appears start typing the name of your contact into the Contact field and select from the matching results - once you also add a product to the order, the order will be automatically saved and updated with the right defaults. You can always edit these at any time and you can also exit the order and return later.
Whilst optional, you can include a subject and personal message also.
An order can also be sent as an enquiry at any stage by selecting the New Enquiry tab.
To add products to the order simply start typing the product sku or name into the search field and select from a list of matching results.
The product catalog may be filtered by default, simply adjust or remove the filters to expand your search.
Products you have ordered previously will be shown automatically at the top.
Just select which products you want to add to the order and specify the qty and price (Note: you can also do this after you've added the products) and press the Add products to order button in the bottom right corner of the dropdown.
A green tick appears next to products already added to the order.
Clicking on the product sku or name will display detailed product specifications and if available, images and other relevant information.
Now you've added products to your order and defined the quantity you just need to select your preferred delivery date.
Your default delivery address will already be selected but you can update this if you need to.
PO Reference
If you want to include your own order reference this can be added by expanding the References section at the bottom of the form.
Please note that many fields can only be edited by your seller. If you need to discuss anything whilst you're creating your order or once your order has been submitted just use the chat function on the left of screen.
If some of your regular orders are similar you can save even more time by using the Copy function. Just select Copy from the menu for any previous order to create an identical draft copy so you can easily edit any changes before submitting.